Right: Library speaker Jerry Leitner discusses the gospel of Mary Magdala, a Common Ground program. Due to its size, the group gathered in James Parlor, on the second floor of 77 W. Washington St. for this program. 

Upcoming Events & Programs

View the upcoming Winter 2025 Brochure here: 
Thursday, January 16, 6 PM Central Time
ZOOM: Tengrism and Ancient Turkic Culture, with Prof. Kağan Arik, University of Chicago

Join us via Zoom as Prof. Arik delves into the ancient shamanistic and animistic beliefs of the Turkic peoples, exploring their spiritual practices, cosmology, and the veneration of the sky deity Tengri. This religion which was the main faith of the Mongol empire literally spread around the world, and yet remains almost completely unknown. 

   We will also examine the rich tapestry of Turkic cultural heritage, including traditional customs, social structures, and historical developments. Through engaging lectures and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the profound influence of Tengrism on the cultural and spiritual life of ancient Turkic societies. Perfect for scholars, students, and enthusiasts of Central Asian history and culture.

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom link, contact us at Info@SwedLib.org. 

Time: Thursday, January 16, 6 PM Central

Dr. Kağan Arik is the Ayaslı Lecturer in Modern Turkish and Turkic Languages at the University of Chicago. Teaching since 2000, he coordinates the Modern Turkish language program and lectures on Uzbek and Central Asian Studies. Dr. Arik’s research includes the historical development of the Turkish language, pre-Islamic Turkic cultures, and traditional healing practices. He is a member of the American Association of Teachers of Turkish and Turkic Languages and founder of the Central Asian Studies Society.

ZOOM: Thursday, February 13, 2025 / 6 PM Central Time
Alfred Deakin and his Gospel of Swedenborg: Australia as a Swedenborgin Political Project with Dell Rose, at the Swedenborg Society Sydney, Australia

Emanuel Swedenborg’s mystical writings were a profound influence on Alfred Deakin, one of Australia’s founding fathers and second Prime Minister. We will delve into how Deakin’s Swedenborgian beliefs shaped his vision for Australia’s political and social landscape, promoting ideals of spiritual enlightenment and moral governance.

Participants will gain insights into the intersection of spirituality and politics in Australia’s early history and the lasting impact of Deakin’s Swedenborgian faith on the nation’s development.

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom Room information, email  us at Info@SwedLib.org or use the "Contact Us" page in the navigational bar at left. 

ZOOM: Friday, February 21, 2025 / 6 PM Central Time
Joanne Southcott: Prophetess, Theologian, Visionary
with Dell Rose on location in Bedford, England

Southcott was arguably the most important female religious leader of the modern English speaking world, yet she is almost totally unknown today. We will explore her life and impact of this influential 18th-century religious figure known for her prophetic

writings and theological insights.

We will delve into her visionary experiences, her role in shaping religious thought, and her lasting legacy. This presentation will show her legacy direct from Bedford

England, home to one off-shoot of her teachings.

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom Room information, email  us at Info@SwedLib.org or use the "Contact Us" page in the navigational bar at left. 

ZOOM: Thursday, March 6, 2025 / 6 PM Central Time
Theosophy & the Internationalist Turn, with Dr. Bjarke Stanley Nielsen, Kobenhavns Universitet
This event will explore the pivotal moment when the Theosophical Society expanded its focus beyond national boundaries, embracing a global vision. We will examine key figures such as Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott, and the impact of their internationalist policies on the spread of Theosophy. Participants will gain an understanding of the society's transformation and its influence on global spiritual movements, as well as on the entire field of international relations and the League of Nations. 

One major theme is the specific natue of 'theosophical global ideas' as a contemporary form of cosmopolitanism formulated as a "Universal Brotherhood" - a means to counter national and euro-centric sentiments. 

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom Room information, email  us at Info@SwedLib.org or use the "Contact Us" page in the navigational bar at left. 

ZOOM: Thursday, March 20, 7 PM Central
Understanding the Christ Event, with Rev. Robert McCluskey 
Part One of a 2-Part Program
Before the Council of Nicea and the authoritative vision of Paul of Tarsus, new believers in the Jesus movement struggled to understand just what had taken place, ontologically, with the appearance of Jesus of Nazareth.

In many ways we continue to struggle with defining the momentous importance of the Lord's appearance in the world. Rev. Robert McCluskey will help us to understand the special viewpoint of New Christian Christology.

The first lecture on March 20 will examine Emanuel Swedenborg's revelation through his 1763 work On the Lord. The lecture will examine the importance of understanding the true nature of the Lord for New Christians, and especially Swedenborg's unique view of the Trinity. 

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom Room information, email  us at Info@SwedLib.org or use the "Contact Us" page in the navigational bar at left. 

Rev. Robert McCluskey holds a B.A. and M.A. in philosophy, with a focus on Greek philosophy, modern idealism, existentialism, and hermeneutics. He is a graduate of the Swedenborg School of Religion and was ordained into the Swedenborgian Church of North America in 1984. He has pastored churches in Portland ME and NYCC, and served on the denominational's Social Justice Committee, and as a representative to the National Council of Churches for 18 years. Recently, he administered rites and sacraments at Wayfarer's Chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes until it closed due to land movement in 2024.