Right: Library speaker Jerry Leitner discusses the gospel of Mary Magdala, a Common Ground program. Due to its size, the group gathered in James Parlor, on the second floor of 77 W. Washington St. for this program. 

Upcoming Events & Programs

View the upcoming Winter 2025 Brochure here: 
ZOOM: Thursday, March 6, 2025 / 6 PM Central Time
Theosophy & the Internationalist Turn, with Dr. Bjarke Stanley Nielsen, Kobenhavns Universitet
This event will explore the pivotal moment when the Theosophical Society expanded its focus beyond national boundaries, embracing a global vision. We will examine key figures such as Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott, and the impact of their internationalist policies on the spread of Theosophy. Participants will gain an understanding of the society's transformation and its influence on global spiritual movements, as well as on the entire field of international relations and the League of Nations. 

One major theme is the specific natue of 'theosophical global ideas' as a contemporary form of cosmopolitanism formulated as a "Universal Brotherhood" - a means to counter national and euro-centric sentiments. 

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom Room information, email  us at Info@SwedLib.org or use the "Contact Us" page in the navigational bar at left. 

ZOOM: Thursday, March 20, 7 PM Central
Part 1: Understanding the Christ Event, with Rev. Robert McCluskey 

Part 2: Understanding the Christ Event, Thursday, March 27, 7 PM Central
Before the Council of Nicea and the authoritative vision of Paul of Tarsus, new believers in the Jesus movement struggled to understand just what had taken place, ontologically, with the appearance of Jesus of Nazareth.

In many ways we continue to struggle with defining the momentous importance of the Lord's appearance in the world. Rev. Robert McCluskey will help us to understand the special viewpoint of New Christian Christology.

The first lecture on March 20 will examine Emanuel Swedenborg's revelation through his 1763 work On the Lord. The lecture will examine the importance of understanding the true nature of the Lord for New Christians, and especially Swedenborg's unique view of the Trinity. 

Although it is never mentioned in the Bible, the concept of "the Trinity" has become a central tenet of traditional Christianity. It has also been a source of controversy and confusion as people struggle with the question: Is God one or three?

We will look briefly at the origin of this "mysterious" doctrine as it was formulated by the Eastern Orthodox churches in the early centuries of the church. Rooted in the monotheism of Judaism, what was the church to do with a "Son" of God, who then states that He and the Father are "one?" Was this another God, a lesser God? Given Jesus' various statements, was he subordinate or equal to God? And what of the Holy Spirit? How are we to understand what "one essence in three persons" means?

Turning a Swedenborgian lens on Scripture, we will then explore an alternate understanding of the one God in whom is the Divine Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Not a trinity of persons, but a trinity of "person." 

To RSVP and obtain the Zoom Room information, email  us at Info@SwedLib.org or use the "Contact Us" page in the navigational bar at left. 

Rev. Robert McCluskey holds a B.A. and M.A. in philosophy, with a focus on Greek philosophy, modern idealism, existentialism, and hermeneutics. He is a graduate of the Swedenborg School of Religion and was ordained into the Swedenborgian Church of North America in 1984. He has pastored churches in Portland ME and NYCC, and served on the denominational's Social Justice Committee, and as a representative to the National Council of Churches for 18 years. Recently, he administered rites and sacraments at Wayfarer's Chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes until it closed due to land movement in 2024. 

SAVE THE DATES for these upcoming programs: 
April 4, 6 PM Central: The Many Returns of Asgard: Swedenborgian interpretation of Norse Mythology

April 17, 6 PM Central: The Japanese Religion of World Renewal

April 24, 6 PM Central: Paul Among the Gentiles: Strategies of Legitimization in the Work of Paul of Tarsus

April 26, 6 PM Central; The Missouri Platonist: Thomas Moore Johnson

May 7, 6 PM Central: A New Swedenborg: Deguchi Onisaburo, Swedenborg, and the Quest for a New Kingdom in Manchuria

May 15, 6 PM Central: The Language of Angels: Japanese Engagement with Swedenborg in the Quest for a Universal Language

Join us for Easter Service on Sunday, April 20 at 3 PM, in the Library.